Monday, August 6, 2012

Visiting some Cronies!

I truly am one of the luckiest girls in the world. Know why? My in-laws ROCK! Seriously. I love them all. No scary monster in-law stories from me.  My mother in law (Jan) is kind, helpful, loving and friggin hilarious! Paul (my father in-law) is giving, sweet, wise and also loving.  Seeing the way he loves Patrick and how much Patrick loves him warms my heart in ways I never thought possible. Plus, they raised two of the most incredible men I have ever met.  They have serious parenting skills and I fully intend keep them around to teach me there wise ways...

Then there's Steve (Tim's kick ass bro) and Laura (his smokin hot wife.) Going to visit these two is beyond bitter sweet.  Whenever we're all together we seem to have some of the best times of our lives.  Serious memories made with these two.  Wedding cake smashing for breakfast anyone??? (ya really had to be there) BUT, we've never lived in the same city so no matter how much fun we have, it always come to an end much too quickly.  While it's probably better for my self-esteem that I don't spend too much time with Laura face to face (she's a model people, a good one) I would give anything to live closer to these guys and of course sweet little Kaiya.

When Kaiya's 1st birthday came around in June, we jumped at the chance for a visit.  We weren't able to be there for her birth since they lived in DC so there was no way we were missing this milestone.  My tip for traveling with a toddler? Go visit people with kids close in age to yours!  No need to pack a port-a-crib, bowls, spoons, towels, baby shampoo, toys (except what you need for travel) etc.  No worrying about baby proofing the house when you get there. It was such a relief to know that anything we needed, they already had.  Even diapers...

Pman handled the plane the best we could ask for.  He loved the airport of course.  He was good on the plane but three hours of sitting is a lot to ask of him.  We thought we'd be smart and take a crazy early flight and he'd sleep on the plane. Wrong. He tossed and turned and fussed until he finally fell asleep, 10 minutes before we landed.  Overall, we survived and that was about the best we could ask for. Let the fun begin!
One of the funnest parts of the trip was observing the similarities between Kai and Patrick.  They sound the same, (it was hilarious trying to decipher whose kid was crying at any given time :) they laugh the same, they have the same mannerisms. Neither of them sleep worth a darn. It's amazing how deep those Cronin genes run. Kaiya could teach Pman a thing or two about eating well though. They loved each other so much!

After a couple days in Denver we took the short trip down to Pueblo to visit a few more of my favorite people.  Let me tell you all a little about my Grandma Dixie.  This lady is 80 years old and I would give anything to have the energy and spirit that she has.  She is AMAZING! She has 25 grandchildren and I don't even know how many great grandchildren (a lot) yet she still knows how to make me feel like I'm special to her. She was so excited that I was coming to visit. It made me feel so loved. She took such good care of us while we visited.  Cooked us yummy food and even watched Pman while we went out to visit my BFF. Just one more person in my life that I never get to spend enough time with...

Patrick did not want to leave...

And we got to visit my oldest (as in time known) friend in the world.  My relationship with this chic cannot be described in a paragraph.  That's a whole other post...

Then it was back to Denver and time to PARTY!!!  Laura MAY have gone a tiny bit crazy in the planning of this soiree but it was totally worth it. I got to live vicariously through her in prepping for the girliest, pinkiest, frilliest party I've ever seen.  Everything was so beautiful and fun.  Kaiya has so many awesome people that love her. She is one lucky girl. I mean an Uncle that shows up with a cotton candy machine? Score!

 It was a great idea to take a pic with all the kids wearing funny glasses but the babies weren't having it...

This damn banner.  It was crazy  adorable but so hard to get a good pic!

 Yes, I let him have cotton candy. No, it was not organic

 I've said it before, there is a serious lack of tutus in my life.

And all too soon it was time to say good-bye.  It was harder this time for me than other times we have visited.  I guess it was because I got a glimpse of all that we are missing from so many miles away...