Monday, August 6, 2012

Visiting some Cronies!

I truly am one of the luckiest girls in the world. Know why? My in-laws ROCK! Seriously. I love them all. No scary monster in-law stories from me.  My mother in law (Jan) is kind, helpful, loving and friggin hilarious! Paul (my father in-law) is giving, sweet, wise and also loving.  Seeing the way he loves Patrick and how much Patrick loves him warms my heart in ways I never thought possible. Plus, they raised two of the most incredible men I have ever met.  They have serious parenting skills and I fully intend keep them around to teach me there wise ways...

Then there's Steve (Tim's kick ass bro) and Laura (his smokin hot wife.) Going to visit these two is beyond bitter sweet.  Whenever we're all together we seem to have some of the best times of our lives.  Serious memories made with these two.  Wedding cake smashing for breakfast anyone??? (ya really had to be there) BUT, we've never lived in the same city so no matter how much fun we have, it always come to an end much too quickly.  While it's probably better for my self-esteem that I don't spend too much time with Laura face to face (she's a model people, a good one) I would give anything to live closer to these guys and of course sweet little Kaiya.

When Kaiya's 1st birthday came around in June, we jumped at the chance for a visit.  We weren't able to be there for her birth since they lived in DC so there was no way we were missing this milestone.  My tip for traveling with a toddler? Go visit people with kids close in age to yours!  No need to pack a port-a-crib, bowls, spoons, towels, baby shampoo, toys (except what you need for travel) etc.  No worrying about baby proofing the house when you get there. It was such a relief to know that anything we needed, they already had.  Even diapers...

Pman handled the plane the best we could ask for.  He loved the airport of course.  He was good on the plane but three hours of sitting is a lot to ask of him.  We thought we'd be smart and take a crazy early flight and he'd sleep on the plane. Wrong. He tossed and turned and fussed until he finally fell asleep, 10 minutes before we landed.  Overall, we survived and that was about the best we could ask for. Let the fun begin!
One of the funnest parts of the trip was observing the similarities between Kai and Patrick.  They sound the same, (it was hilarious trying to decipher whose kid was crying at any given time :) they laugh the same, they have the same mannerisms. Neither of them sleep worth a darn. It's amazing how deep those Cronin genes run. Kaiya could teach Pman a thing or two about eating well though. They loved each other so much!

After a couple days in Denver we took the short trip down to Pueblo to visit a few more of my favorite people.  Let me tell you all a little about my Grandma Dixie.  This lady is 80 years old and I would give anything to have the energy and spirit that she has.  She is AMAZING! She has 25 grandchildren and I don't even know how many great grandchildren (a lot) yet she still knows how to make me feel like I'm special to her. She was so excited that I was coming to visit. It made me feel so loved. She took such good care of us while we visited.  Cooked us yummy food and even watched Pman while we went out to visit my BFF. Just one more person in my life that I never get to spend enough time with...

Patrick did not want to leave...

And we got to visit my oldest (as in time known) friend in the world.  My relationship with this chic cannot be described in a paragraph.  That's a whole other post...

Then it was back to Denver and time to PARTY!!!  Laura MAY have gone a tiny bit crazy in the planning of this soiree but it was totally worth it. I got to live vicariously through her in prepping for the girliest, pinkiest, frilliest party I've ever seen.  Everything was so beautiful and fun.  Kaiya has so many awesome people that love her. She is one lucky girl. I mean an Uncle that shows up with a cotton candy machine? Score!

 It was a great idea to take a pic with all the kids wearing funny glasses but the babies weren't having it...

This damn banner.  It was crazy  adorable but so hard to get a good pic!

 Yes, I let him have cotton candy. No, it was not organic

 I've said it before, there is a serious lack of tutus in my life.

And all too soon it was time to say good-bye.  It was harder this time for me than other times we have visited.  I guess it was because I got a glimpse of all that we are missing from so many miles away...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A tale of two stitches

I'm finally getting around to actually writing down one of our most recent adventures with Pman. It's still a little painful. For me. Patrick is fine.

Let me start by saying P had already had a rough week. On Wednesday he met the brick around Oma and Opa's fireplace with his face and was left with a big scrape over his eye. On Saturday (while playing with mama) he smacked his face on the coffee table and got a big fat lip. He was just warming up...

It was a warm Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago. Tim and I had planned to go wine tasting in Amador with my uncle and aunt that were in town visiting along with my dad. My mom had eagerly volunteered to stay home with the kiddos (mom's not much of a drinker :).

We got to my parents new house early and we were hanging out while everyone was finishing getting ready. Patrick was running around like a crazy man as usual. Looking back, I feel terrible that I didn't respond quicker to the THUD I heard come from the living room. He falls and bangs himself up so often that if I jumped to respond to every bump I'd spend all day hovering. It wasn't until I heard Tim shout "Oh sh**" for everyone to hear that I knew there was trouble.

Sure enough, he brings P into the kitchen with blood spreading down his face and of course, the poor kid is screaming bloody murder. I take a lot of pride in the fact that neither Tim or I are panicky parents. I know my heart was pounding and Tim was talking pretty fast, but for the most part we held it together and talked about what we needed to do. (It seriously drives me bonkers when parents wig out and get hysterical. You're not helping the situation or your child.) It was pretty obvious from the amount of blood and the way the cut looked that a band aid wasn't going to cut it. Bye-bye wine tasting.

The next question is, where the heck do we go??? It's Sunday so his doctor's office is closed. Do we head to the ER, urgent care? I didn't know. Fortunately Jan Cronin is always the level headed medical professional and she was able to advise us that urgent care would be able to handle our situation. That seemed much less scary than going to the hospital. So we threw a band aid over the gaping slash on my 21 month old’s head and headed out the door. Patrick had calmed down but he didn't want anyone to touch his head or even hold the cold pack to it. I knew getting it checked out was going to be loads of fun...

In the waiting room you never would have guessed that this child has recently had a traumatic head injury. He was running all over place, checking out the fish tank and charming the other patients. I considered just taking him home without further traumatizing him. Chics dig scars right? I kid, I would never deny my child medical care just because it might be uncomfortable for either of us.

It was a different story once we got into the exam room. I'll spare you all the details but let me just tell you that my arms were sore the next day from restraining him. Talk about heart breaking... It was a long process of having the nurse look at his cut and clean it up. Then the dr determined that he did in fact need stitches (duh). Then there was the agonizing 10 minute wait for the topical cream to numb the area. Patrick was enjoying a popsicle but I knew what was coming next wasn't gonna be pretty.

It was bad. That's all there is to say about it. Anyone who has had to go through any medical procedure with a small child knows that there are few things worse than listening to your child scream in fear. He wasn't in pain. That seemed pretty clear. But imagine being restrained by the people who love you most,having your eyes covered by a sheet, bright light blasted into your face while a stranger starts poking around your owie. It makes me sick just to think about how he felt.  I surprised myself by actually watching some of the procedure. I'm usually pretty squimish when it comes to things like this.  It's different when it's your child that someone is going at with a needle and thread.  You want to supervise everything and medical procedures are no different.  Fortunately, it was over pretty quickly and we headed home for a much deserved nap and lots of treats for the rest of the day.  Tofutti's not gonna cut it after a day including stitches to the head. Bring on the Ben and Jerry's.

Accidents happen. I consider myself extremely blessed to have been given a healthy, energetic child. With that blessing comes the risk that his curiosity will induce many boo-boos for Patrick and many grey hairs mommy. While I don't wish for days like this one, I wouldn't trade my rambunctious little boy for anything!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Playing catch up!

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm famous for ignoring my friends because I don't have 'enough' time to talk to them.  What I mean is, I always want to talk to my friends but often when I go to call someone I'll realize I only have 5-10 minutes before I have to go somewhere, do something etc.  Therefore, instead of calling them I wait until I have more time.  (Seriously, when am I gonna have more time?) This will continue for weeks or even months until I know that in order to catch up with this friend I'm gonna need a solid 2 hour block of time so we can fill eachother in because its been so long since we talked. I always kick myself for being such a crappy friend.

Apparently  I'm a crappy blogger too because I've done the same thing here.  Every time I want to post something short and sweet I stop myself because I didn't post about this thing or that subject before.  Argh! So here is my big catch up post. I'm gonna try to be better...I make no promises though :)

Me....After graduating in December I spent four LONG months looking for work.  It was beyond stressful and not at all what I consider to be a good time.  Making decisions that seem to effect your entire future is not my strong suit.  I finally did land a gig in the accounting department of a NoCal grocery store chain.  While it's not my dream job, it's not too difficult and I'm gaining experience that will benefit my career in the long run. I hope.

Going back to work after such a long time was tough to say the least. After about a week, I was ready to throw in the towel and stay home with my sweet little boy forever.  It was never my intention to be a stay at home mom long term (major props to you moms who do it) but I was overwhelmed by how much I missed him.  Plus, missing out on his entire day so that I could sit in a cube and stare at a spreadsheet all day didn't feel as worthwhile as I would have hoped. (shocking I know)  More on my plan for resolving this issue later.

Thank goodness for a loving spouse who supports me in everything I do.  Sometimes it drives me crazy because he won't just decide for me what I should do but I'm so thankful to know that whatever I decide regarding my career and our future he trusts me and will stand by me.  For better or worse...

As for Pman...There really is too much to say about this guy's growth in the last few months.  He's a PERSON.  To say he's not a baby anymore doesn't begin to cover how different he is now compared to 6 months ago. He talks in sentences. He says his ABC's (not just sings the song but actually knows what comes after L, S etc). He is beyond opinionated, but mostly in a good way.  Gone are the days when you could just grab a book off the shelf at night and snuggle in for a story. No. He wants to choose the book. And he's not sure which one he wants so you must offer about 300 different choices before he'll agree to one. While it's kind of a pain, it's also really cute to see him get excited about something that he really wants. One of the best changes we've had in the last couple months is that he EATS! We don't really know what changed but now instead of a a little bird I have a little piggy.  He's still pretty picky but dinner time is no longer the most dreaded part of our day.

I definitely gave birth to a creature that is part monkey.  He can now easily climb in and out of his crib so he pretty much comes and goes as he pleases. We learned this weekend that he can also turn doorknobs so keeping him in his room is a thing of the past.  Our days are spent just trying to keep this child alive and with no bones broken before the age of 2.  In case you didn't hear, we've already gotten to experience stitches. That's a different blog for a different day...

After evaluating MANY options for daycare when I went back to work, we found an awesome home daycare that we are thrilled with.  Patrick seems to have a great time.  He doesn't cry when he's dropped off and the provider really seems to love him. I think he is secretly one of her favorites. Who could blame her? He comes home singing songs I haven't heard and saying things that I know he didn't know how to say yesterday.  It's really fun to see him learning from other influences. As long as those are positive influences of course.

That's about all I can fit in during my lunch hour.  I really am going to try to get back to a couple posts a week.  It's so hard when you're away for such a long time.  Too many things to say. Not enough time :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Under construction

I'm really hoping to get some better organization to my blog format and posts.  Stay tuned for a new layout and a new game plan...I'll be making lots of adjustments while I try to find what works best. Thanks for understanding!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

10 things you may not know about toddlers

I'm a big fan of lists. Especially short, funny ones that are full of accurate information.  This post is inspired by the hilarious Happily After Giving Birth – 10 Things They Don't Tell You. If you are a mom, or going to be someday, you must read this.  It's awesome!

It seems sometimes that giving birth was a million years ago.  Reading that blog makes me smile not only because it's funny but because I was so focused on keeping my sweet little baby alive and healthy. Now, all my time is spent trying not to kill my sweet (and naughty) little toddler. Do you see the difference?

Allow me to elaborate by presenting my own list of 10 Things You May Not Know About Toddlers...

1.) They still don't sleep... When you're in the newborn stage, waking up every 2 hours, the only way you (and baby) survive is by convincing yourself that you just have to get through this stage. You tell yourself that in a few short weeks, maybe months, you'll be blissfully sleeping 8 hours a night once again and all will be right in the world.  If you're currently residing in this pretty pink bubble, I encourage you to stop reading now because I'm about to pop it. Even as I sit here typing this, I'm EXHAUSTED because my 17 month old was awake for 2 hours straight last night. Do you know what it's like to not sleep for 17 months? Of course, he doesn't wake up every night but the culmination of over a year of broken sleep will make any person insane.  I don't mean a little crazy. I mean lock me up in the loony bin before I declare my cat a decent enough caretaker to watch Patrick while I take a nap.  You could probably get good sleep in the loony bin though...

2.) They have strong opinions...and demands.  They voice these opinions loudly and with no regard for anyone else's comfort or feelings. They don't care if you're grocery shopping, eating dinner at a restaurant or trying to spend some 'alone' time with your spouse. They will feel zero embarrassment about screaming at the top of their lungs until you produce the snack, toy, beverage or activity that they desire.  May God help you if you can't understand the screaming toddler jargon and have no idea what it is that they want.  You're screwed...

3.) They are born part monkey.  I include this in my list because just today I caught my child scaling our rocking chair in order to climb the rails of his crib and flip upside down inside in order to retrieve his binky that is only allowed during sleep times. He also finds it incredibly funny to wait until you are in the kitchen making dinner to climb onto the coffee table, stand up and start dancing.  I am less than amused.  This is not a skill that is taught. They are born somehow knowing exactly the most dangerous activities that will cause your hair to go grey the fastest...

4.) They understand what the word 'no' means.  They don't care... If they have an aching desire to dump every blanket from the basket for the 10,000th time that day, they're gonna do it.  All while repeating the word 'no' over and over. They also learn how to say 'no'. Emphatically. If they don't want to do something, it's not happening.  No amount of airplane spoons will convince my child that eating his carrots is in fact a good idea if he doesn't feel like it at the moment.  His wail of the word 'no' generally coincides with a shrill scream that would make anyone within earshot assume that I'm trying to set him on fire when I'm actually just trying to wipe his face after dinner.

5.) They will be fascinated by their, ummm body parts. It's adorable when your child learns to identify their nose, toes, hair, belly etc.  It's also incredibly hilarious when your son immediately escapes the moment you take his diaper off and starts running through the living room with a firm grasp on his penis.  At least, I think it's hilarious. Penis, vagina, pee pee, hoo hoo, bottom, booty, what ever you're going to call it, I encourage you to figure it out now because a conversation about their 'private' parts is coming sooner than you think.

6.) Speaking of wiping their face, they hate it. With a fiery passion. Toddlers have zero issue with refried beans plastered into their eyebrows and green snot dripping from their nose. Snot is a very important part of a toddler's life.  They are perfectly fine with smearing it across their face and continuing in their activities.  No wiping necessary.  Toddlers are disgusting human beings...

7.) You will not always like them.  Of course, you will ALWAYS love your child unconditionally but there will be days in which you will not like them one bit. You will wonder what on earth you were thinking when you thought procreating was such a great idea. You will feel a great deal of unyielding guilt for feeling this way and attempt to compensate by offering ice cream for dinner. Guilt is an important part of parenting. For better or worse, many of your parenting days are spent feeling terrible about yourself for the reactions you've had toward your toddler's perfectly normal and expected behavior. Cut yourself some slack.  Everyone has bad days at their job and parenting is the hardest job on the planet. (Don't attempt to challenge me on this statement. I will cut you.)

8.) They change their likes and dislikes on a daily basis. In our house, this rule generally applies to food.  Your toddler gobbling up 3 helpings of your delicious homemade chicken and rice last night is in no way an implication that he will eat the same meal again. Ever.  BUT, he may eat it again next week. Or the week after that. I assure you that this behavior is beyond maddening.  Especially if you are like me and constantly worried that your child is getting the proper nourishment.

9.) The smells that they produce will make you wish you lived closer to a cattle ranch so you could go outside and get some "fresh" air. Now, Patrick never had formula so I really can't attest to what a formula fed baby's poop smells like but breast milk poop is great. Yes, I just said poop is great.  It smells like popcorn. I realize this is an odd observation but it's true.  Toddler poop on the other hand is just plain nasty.  I know that seems obvious, but trust me when I say you will be surprised by what your sweet little child is able to produce.  

10.) Toddlers give the best hugs and kisses in the world. Even if they're covered in green snot when your child walks up to you and puckers their tiny little lips for a smooch, your heart will melt.  When they wrap their chubby little arms around your neck because they're scared, tired, or sick and squeeze you tight, you will feel that all is right in the world. You are doing something right if your child looks to you for security and comfort. Toddlers are also incredibly in tune with you and your moods. The same hugs that bring him comfort will instantly improve any insecurities you're having also.  Hugs and kisses cure everything...

For those of you with toddlers, I encourage you to add anything I may have forgotten.  For those that have toddler hood in your horizon, I encourage you to bookmark this post and look back on it from time to time. Don't say I didn't warn you:)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Can't i just stay unemployed?

Time flies when you're havin fun?  I don't know that I'd call job hunting fun, but it's been keeping me occupied. Not to mention the busy little man who demands just about 100% of my attention during all waking hours.  That part IS fun. (almost all the time ;)

Why isn't there a job on Career Builder (or any job search site, I'm not picky) that states 'This job is perfect for you. The hours are exactly what you're looking for. The pay and benefits are great. You will enjoy doing this for the foreseeable future. And you're perfectly qualified for the position' ??? Where is this job? It's not that there aren't jobs to apply to. I'm just not sure I want to do any of those jobs.

I'm so envious of the people in my life that know exactly what they want to do. Their dream job. Even if their dream never comes into fruition, at least they can recognize the end of the rainbow. I have no idea what my dream job consists of. I know I'm passionate about finance and money but it's a big field! If anybody out there knows what I should be doing with my life, please, fill me in.

I was pretty far along in the hiring process with a reputable organization when I decided it just wasn't the right fit for me.  It's so discouraging to waste time and energy getting excited about a possibility only to determine that it may not be the dream you thought it was.  Not to mention the constant self doubt and second guessing that comes with any life altering decision.  Did I make the right choice in bowing out of this? (they were totally gonna hire me) Huge mistake? Only time will tell...

All I can do is trust my instincts, keep an open mind and continue to be thankful that I have, a loving partner who supports me in every decision that I make for myself and our family. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Making memories is so much fun!

Wow! What a weekend...Tim and I decided to take advantage of his long weekend and head down to San Francisco.  I regret terribly that we don't do this more often.  This amazing city is only 1.5 hours away, yet we never seem to make it there.  After this trip, I vow to rectify this and go at least every other month for a day trip if nothing else.

I really wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to improve my photography skills.  I hope you all like pictures because this entry is gonna have a few :) I'm lucky enough to have a professional grade Nikon at my disposal courtesy of my big sister Wendy who is an awesome real  photographer.  I really don't know much about using it so excuse my learning curve here...

First things first, we had to pack up...Gone are the days of throwing some clothes and a toothbrush in a bag and heading out the door! Even just one night away requires so much planning when a little one is added into the mix.  Add to the fact that I like to be OVER prepared (to say the least) and we ended up with a trunkful just for our little get away.
Yes, it takes 5 bags, 2 camera cases and one small cooler to make it for approximately 24 hours away...(not to mention the pack n play and the stroller already in the car)
 We thought we had a long drive in front of us because the bay bridge was closed and we had to take the Golden Gate. Fortunately, we lucked out and traffic was smooth sailing. We made such good time that we decided to stop at one of my favorite places to take some pics.  Last time we were at the Marin Headlands P-man was just 5 weeks old.  LOVE this place...
We lucked out with some seriously awesome weather for pictures. Does it get any better?
I gotta say, I'm more than a little proud of myself for catching this shot just as P was looking right at the camera.
I heart this picture so much...
 From there it was off to the zoo.  I was slightly worried that we would be disappointed because the Sacramento leaves A LOT to be desired.  I was pleasantly surprised.  The San Francisco Zoo is gorgeous! It's clean and beautiful and the animal enclosures are really impressive.  I hate going to zoos in which the animals look sad to be there.  We also got to meet up with a fellow MOOB Julie and her sweet little man Wyatt.  They were so much fun.
Little man LOVED feeding the ducks...
Just a couple of new friends hanging out in the barn
I think he liked it...
After an interesting night in the hotel (always a challenge with little man) we met some awesome friends for breakfast and headed out to act like stupid tourists.  I can't help myself, I think Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 are great fun!  Plus, Patrick got to see the ocean and walk in the sand for the first time.  It's a memory I'm going to keep forever...

I ask you, what's better than pictures of fat little baby feet?

My heart is melting just looking at the picture.
Of course, it's not a trip to SF without checking out the sea lions.  Patrick was a little preoccupied by the giant cookie I thought he deserved for being such a good boy all weekend, but he liked them any way.

And finally, I couldn't resist forcing my child to pose for even more pictures with all the beautiful flowers that were in bloom everywhere we looked.  They were so gorgeous...

I realize that I cut Tim's head off but Patrick's face is just so sweet!

My attempt at being artsy

It took about 8 million pics to get this ONE where he's actually looking!
I love my little family so much.  I'm so lucky to have a husband who  is always up for adventure and a child who's highly adaptable and pretty adventurous himself!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Check me out!

As you all know, I'm very new to the whole blogging thing.  I'm really trying to determine what kind of blog I want to have and how I want my writing to be reflected. Also, there are many things that have already happened (especially with P-man) that I need to write about that I never got the chance to.

I found myself with a lucky opportunity to be a guest blogger for a fellow 'MOOB' on her very established (and awesome) blog Baby P Makes Three. Since I never really got the chance to write about my birth experience, I used the chance to do that there. I hope you all like it!

 Thanks again Loni for the opportunity.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My son's a genuis...Happy Valentines!

First off, Valentine's Day isn't much to speak of in this house.  Tim and I both agree that we love each other plenty year round and we don't need another day to stress over what gift to buy one another. We generally exchange cards and I ALWAYS get flowers.  I get flowers other times throughout the year also though and those mean just as much to me :) And because I need no excuse for chocolate, I made chocolate covered strawberries too!
Now, I will say that every holiday is immensely more fun with Patrick around.  He got a present from Tim and I and a chocolate treat from Grandma. He wouldn't eat his dinner but the chocolate went down no problem...
As for his geniusness...Tonight his dad was quizzing him on the various animal noises that he knows.  He's a pro at the basics (cat, dog, cow) and last week his Oma and Opa taught him monkey, complete with underarm scratching! After going through all the animals he knows, Tim tried to throw him off by asking what a hippopotamus says.  He was not the least bit stumped.  He went straight to his bookshelf and pulled out 'Not the Hippopatumus' a book he received for Christmas.  Genius.  Pure genius.  As Tim would say, he's getting closer and closer to becoming our evil over lord.

Every day is a new day with this child and each morning I wake up listening to him chat to himself in his crib and I can't wait to see what he's going to teach me that day...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Good eatin' at the Cronie house!

Anyone who has spent much time with me lately knows I've been pretty focused on making some major life changes regarding my health.  I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week, tracking everything I eat and focusing on healthy ingredients in my cooking. I'm 10 pounds under my PRE pregnancy weight and I feel great. And I'm having fun with my food. If you haven't found Pinterest yet, I encourage you to rectify the situation immediately.  I find so many amazing recipes and fitness tips there.

Also, since I'm not working or going to school right now I've been cooking more than I ever have.  P-man and I have great fun on our weekly trip to Whole Foods where I get to find the most amazing ingredients to make some yummy dishes!  I think Whole Foods should be designated the new 'happiest place on earth.' Just sayin...I thought other's might enjoy some of the recipes I've been using a lot lately!

Green Shake
 I realize this resembles the slime on Nickelodeon's Double Dare more than a beverage but it's delicious! Patrick likes it too and we split this awesome smoothie at least twice a week now. Super easy to make...

I use 1 whole banana instead of mango and add a half cup of fresh organic blueberries (MUST use organic blueberries see the Dirty Dozen.) I also use almond milk (just cause that's what is in my fridge) and i add a couple tablespoons of Greek yogurt to make it a little smoother.  Yummy and sooo healthy!

Whole Wheat Banana Bread with nuts AND chocolate chips
Like I said I'm making a LIFESTYLE change.  I'm not dieting.  I can not live my life without baked goods. I don't see the point in such an existence.  I'm just learning how to make those baked goods a little more beneficial to my body while still being tasty :)

I use applesauce instead of oil in this in order to lower the fat and calories.  It really tastes the same in most baked goods (not brownies though, I discovered sadly.)  I also cut the nuts to 1/4 cup and add 1/4 cup of semisweet chocolate chips.  It may not sound like much chocolate but it's just enough. I use light Agave Nectar instead of honey, again just because it's what I have in my cabinet most of the time.

Crispy baked salmon and sauteed green beans with turkey bacon

I don't like salmon. I don't like fish but, it's good for me.  Really good for me. So I eat it. I'm a grown up and grown ups have to do things we don't like.  I have found a recipe that makes it really crispy and yummy.  Plus, I can put an entire dinner together in about 15 minutes.  That's a huge deal with a 16 month old running underneath you while you cook.

The green beans are too easy. Just saute some turkey bacon (about three slices), throw in the some fresh green beans (snap off the ends) and cover to let them steam.  I had to add a little water and recover to get more steam. Easy and healthy but it doesn't taste like it!

I don't have pics of everything I've been making  but below is a couple more links. Not everything has been a success but I'm trying and Tim has been a great sport.  He eats everything I cook and tells me it's delicious, even when it's not...It's truly important for a spouse to support his/her partner in living the healthiest life possible.  I really don't understand when one partner doesn't want to get on board an effort to live as long as possible for each other.  This is IMPORTANT folks!

Califlower Pancakes  This is not a breakfast item.  It's a cheesy, delicious side dish and they are amazing!
Zucchini carrot muffins Again, I use applesauce, not oil and add 1/4 cup pecans and 1/4 cup chocolate chips

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Aunts rule!

Being a mom is awesome.  It's seriously the most rewarding, heartwarming, amazing (sometimes challenging) and exciting experience of my life.  I love it. I live for being a mom. But, before I was a mom I was an aunt. I saw a quote on a friend's blog today (check out this awesomeness that prompted me write about how awesome being an aunt is.
I was 15 years old when I found out I was going to be an aunt for the first time.  Little miss Hanna Jo arrived on January 27, 1998 and I was instantly in love.  Seriously, even at the age of 15, I could imagine that this must be what it feels like to have a baby.  The love I felt for her was boundless.  She had me wrapped right from the beginning. I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with her when she was a funny little baby and toddler.  Now, she is a beautiful, talented, fun filled 14 year old who I truly consider a friend. (is it sad to have a 14 year old friend when your almost 30?)  She asks me for help with her hair.  I bug her about boys.  I'm so thankful to her for making me an aunt. (Plus, I'm now cashing in on all that free babysitting I gave her :)

Just a sweet little 5 year old.
Now, a gorgeous young woman. (I tear up just writing that)

A few year later, along came Zachary Ryan. Oh, my sweet Zachary.  What an awesome boy he is! I was lucky enough to work at my parent's preschool when Zach was a toddler and he was in my class (when he wasn't escaping to go find grandma.) Zach taught me what it is to love little BOYS.  He was a fun and determined even as a 2 year old.  And, he had the most awesome hair EVER!  Now Zach is a rockstar 10 year old. He's creative, sweet and still determined.  He works harder than any other student I know.  He's the first to volunteer to help someone else. He's confident and adventurous. This kid will try anything once.  I wish I was more like him...

This is seriously one of the best lookin kids I have ever seen...
Shortly after Zach was born, Lindsey Kaitlin came into our lives.  Since they were the same age (just two weeks apart) she was in my class at the preschool too! What a bright and bubbly little girl. She was particular about having things just so, in the most adorable way. Her attachment to her blankie was profound and precious. She too had some pretty awesome hair, right from the start. It brightened my world to see my brother and best friend as a proud daddy!

Our family situation with Lindsey is complex (and private) but I think of her often and will always love her as any aunt would...

2003 brought a lot of changes in my life including the birth of my nephew Adam Nathan.  Now I don't believe in having regrets in life, but one thing that saddens me deeply is the fact that I moved away to Cali when Adam was just 3 weeks old.  It  broke breaks my heart that I wasn't there for his first few years the way I was for his siblings and cousin.  Fortunately, my sister made the amazing decision to move here when he was 5 so I've gotten to spend the last few years playing catch up.  I got to be there for the first day of kindergarten and many other special occasions that I missed with the others.  I'm so happy he's here now.  He is such a vivacious, excited, energetic guy with a smile that lights up my world.  He's so dang cute, he could get away with murder. (with me at least, that's what aunts are for after all)

If this doesn't make you melt, you are heartless. Sorry to break it to you...

Last, but definitely not least my gorgeous niece Kaiya Love was born just 7.5 months after Patrick.  Steve promised me when I got pregnant that he would do his best to make sure Laura and I got to be pregnant together. I was not disappointed! Just a short time before P-mans arrival, we got word that Kaiya was on her way.  It's a good thing too. Being at the hospital for Patrick's birth was a little lot overwhelming for Laura and had she not already been pregnant, we may have been waiting a while :)  I was so sad (similarly to when I moved after Adam was born) when we found out just a few months later that they would be moving to Washington DC.  It was going to be difficult to properly spoil her from across the country. I was up for the job though... Now spunky little 8 month old that's tackling new milestones every day.  It's so fun to hear all the stories and remember that just a short time ago, we were in the same boat. I'm so happy they are now half a country closer and staying in Colorado.  I look forward to many years of cousins getting closer.

Not surprising...Gorgeous...

I see lots of matching jammies and wet willies in their future...I love it!!!

In addition to being biologically related to these fantastic little people, I'm incredibly blessed to have been adopted into the Jami/Deaguero family. Jessica is so special to me and I'm so honored that her kids consider me an aunt.  They call me Auntie Katie, which is just the cutest dang thing ever coming from a 6 and 3 year old! They are such a significant part of my life and I love them dearly.

I was lucky enough to be in the room when Logan Andrew was born in December 2005.  His birth was surprising and amazing! I was sad that the lived sooo far away (all the way downtown, a whopping 25 min drive) but I saw him as often as I could.  I eventually got a designated day to care for him and I picked him up from daycare every Tuesday.  He was never all that excited to see me, but it was the highlight of my week.  Now he's one of the smartest children I have ever known.  You know how they say kids are like a sponge? That's Logan. He so enthusiastically absorbs every piece of knowledge he comes across.  It's really fun to witness.  In addition to being so smart, he's hilarious, sweet and an awesome big brother.  He rocks! 

Seriously?!? Adorable...

If you're having a bad day. Call this guy. He'll make it better.

Then there was Bailey. Bailey was a little surprise to her mom and dad in September 2008.  I was so ecstatic to have a new niece, I could just die.  I bought up all the pink....and purple.  And flowers, and bows and everything girly I could get my hands on. I take great pride in the fact that Bailey got super attached to a blanket that I had bought for her before she was born. Purple and satiny soft. Logan also was attached to a blankie that I got him. I know how to pick em.  She gave her parents trouble that they hadn't expected.  This wasn't their first child after all.  Bailey is the perfect example of all children are different.  She is outspoken, strong minded, and all grown up.  She behaves perfectly when she comes to my house and that's all that matters.  (her mom says she's a little different at home :) She loves her big brother and wants to do anything and everything that he does. And have a mentioned that she is beyond CUTE?

Ok, not the best pic but it's funny

She's quite the little princess.  Just ask her...
This blog may be a little long winded but I love all of these guys so much, I just couldn't encompass all of their awesomeness briefly.  They are all so unique and special.  Each of them add to my life in so many ways and I can't wait to be there to see the amazing people they will continue to become. Being an aunt is an amazing blessing and I hope I add as much to their lives as they have to mine...