Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Playing catch up!

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm famous for ignoring my friends because I don't have 'enough' time to talk to them.  What I mean is, I always want to talk to my friends but often when I go to call someone I'll realize I only have 5-10 minutes before I have to go somewhere, do something etc.  Therefore, instead of calling them I wait until I have more time.  (Seriously, when am I gonna have more time?) This will continue for weeks or even months until I know that in order to catch up with this friend I'm gonna need a solid 2 hour block of time so we can fill eachother in because its been so long since we talked. I always kick myself for being such a crappy friend.

Apparently  I'm a crappy blogger too because I've done the same thing here.  Every time I want to post something short and sweet I stop myself because I didn't post about this thing or that subject before.  Argh! So here is my big catch up post. I'm gonna try to be better...I make no promises though :)

Me....After graduating in December I spent four LONG months looking for work.  It was beyond stressful and not at all what I consider to be a good time.  Making decisions that seem to effect your entire future is not my strong suit.  I finally did land a gig in the accounting department of a NoCal grocery store chain.  While it's not my dream job, it's not too difficult and I'm gaining experience that will benefit my career in the long run. I hope.

Going back to work after such a long time was tough to say the least. After about a week, I was ready to throw in the towel and stay home with my sweet little boy forever.  It was never my intention to be a stay at home mom long term (major props to you moms who do it) but I was overwhelmed by how much I missed him.  Plus, missing out on his entire day so that I could sit in a cube and stare at a spreadsheet all day didn't feel as worthwhile as I would have hoped. (shocking I know)  More on my plan for resolving this issue later.

Thank goodness for a loving spouse who supports me in everything I do.  Sometimes it drives me crazy because he won't just decide for me what I should do but I'm so thankful to know that whatever I decide regarding my career and our future he trusts me and will stand by me.  For better or worse...

As for Pman...There really is too much to say about this guy's growth in the last few months.  He's a PERSON.  To say he's not a baby anymore doesn't begin to cover how different he is now compared to 6 months ago. He talks in sentences. He says his ABC's (not just sings the song but actually knows what comes after L, S etc). He is beyond opinionated, but mostly in a good way.  Gone are the days when you could just grab a book off the shelf at night and snuggle in for a story. No. He wants to choose the book. And he's not sure which one he wants so you must offer about 300 different choices before he'll agree to one. While it's kind of a pain, it's also really cute to see him get excited about something that he really wants. One of the best changes we've had in the last couple months is that he EATS! We don't really know what changed but now instead of a a little bird I have a little piggy.  He's still pretty picky but dinner time is no longer the most dreaded part of our day.

I definitely gave birth to a creature that is part monkey.  He can now easily climb in and out of his crib so he pretty much comes and goes as he pleases. We learned this weekend that he can also turn doorknobs so keeping him in his room is a thing of the past.  Our days are spent just trying to keep this child alive and with no bones broken before the age of 2.  In case you didn't hear, we've already gotten to experience stitches. That's a different blog for a different day...

After evaluating MANY options for daycare when I went back to work, we found an awesome home daycare that we are thrilled with.  Patrick seems to have a great time.  He doesn't cry when he's dropped off and the provider really seems to love him. I think he is secretly one of her favorites. Who could blame her? He comes home singing songs I haven't heard and saying things that I know he didn't know how to say yesterday.  It's really fun to see him learning from other influences. As long as those are positive influences of course.

That's about all I can fit in during my lunch hour.  I really am going to try to get back to a couple posts a week.  It's so hard when you're away for such a long time.  Too many things to say. Not enough time :)

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