Friday, March 9, 2012

Can't i just stay unemployed?

Time flies when you're havin fun?  I don't know that I'd call job hunting fun, but it's been keeping me occupied. Not to mention the busy little man who demands just about 100% of my attention during all waking hours.  That part IS fun. (almost all the time ;)

Why isn't there a job on Career Builder (or any job search site, I'm not picky) that states 'This job is perfect for you. The hours are exactly what you're looking for. The pay and benefits are great. You will enjoy doing this for the foreseeable future. And you're perfectly qualified for the position' ??? Where is this job? It's not that there aren't jobs to apply to. I'm just not sure I want to do any of those jobs.

I'm so envious of the people in my life that know exactly what they want to do. Their dream job. Even if their dream never comes into fruition, at least they can recognize the end of the rainbow. I have no idea what my dream job consists of. I know I'm passionate about finance and money but it's a big field! If anybody out there knows what I should be doing with my life, please, fill me in.

I was pretty far along in the hiring process with a reputable organization when I decided it just wasn't the right fit for me.  It's so discouraging to waste time and energy getting excited about a possibility only to determine that it may not be the dream you thought it was.  Not to mention the constant self doubt and second guessing that comes with any life altering decision.  Did I make the right choice in bowing out of this? (they were totally gonna hire me) Huge mistake? Only time will tell...

All I can do is trust my instincts, keep an open mind and continue to be thankful that I have, a loving partner who supports me in every decision that I make for myself and our family. 

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