Sunday, January 22, 2012

Great end to a loooong week!

Man, this week has been trying to say the least! We haven't had nights this rough with Pman since he was a newborn. I'll say it again. Molars. Are. EVIL.  The poor guy cut 2 big ol' chompers this week and his lower gums are still swollen as can be.  Fortunately, he's been sleeping better the last couple nights, so Tim and I are less likely to throw ourselves out a window.

I also spent the this week busting my butt to finish my LAST college course.  I graduated in December but I still had that stupid foreign language requirement to fulfill so I enrolled in a 3 week intensive ASL course. It's been a killer amount of work (which wasn't made any easier by the lack of sleep) but I nailed it in the end. Now I am officially a college graduate.  It feels amazing to be done!

To end the week, we spent the day celebrating one of the most awesome chicks on the planet.  I met Jessica Jami working at the OG over 8 years ago and we've been besties ever since. We spent the morning wine tasting in Lodi (yum!!!) and came back to our house for an awesome dinner and the NFC championship game.  It was a bummer to see the Niner's lose, but it was a great party with yummy food and amazing company. I made chocolate dipped cupcakes and cheesecake pops. Tim made tri-tip sandwiches and super bomb garlic shrimp (so I heard, I don't eat shrimp.)  It was one of the best birthday celebrations our group has had in my opinion. And that's saying something cause our crew knows how to get down for b-days :)

This pic is actually a couple years old but we were stupid and didn't take any today :(

Here's hoping today was the kick off to a better week than last...  

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