Monday, January 16, 2012

Shots are no fun

What does Patrick get for turning 15 months old? Just a couple needle sticks...

Let me start the discussion of this controversial issue by saying that I am PRO vaccination. I understand that, for society as a whole, the benefits outweigh the risks. I understand that without consistent vaccinations among the majority of the population, some very terrible illnesses would make their way back into circulation. I understand that some studies regarding the side effects of vaccinations have been widely discredited. I get it, I really do.

All that being said, vaccinations scare the crap out of me.  Being the information whore that I am, I refuse to put anything into my child's body that I have not fully researched and understand the benefits and risks. If you've read about what is in those little syringes, I'm sure you agree with me. It's more than a little frightening! Live viruses? Formaldehyde? Mercury? You want to inject those into my sweet innocent baby? It may be beneficial to society as a whole but it's hard to put the benefit of society over the safety of your individual baby. Yes, there are of course benefits to your baby too but couldn't I just lock him in the house for the next 25 years and protect him that way?

Because of the information I've found, we have opted to follow an alternative vaccination schedule that is fully supported by our physician.  We have taken into consideration recent outbreaks of illnesses (like whooping cough) and designed our schedule accordingly. I feel much more comfortable only exposing Patrick to 1 or 2 vaccines at a time in order to limit the hit to his immune system and to better monitor for reactions. If anyone is interested in seeing our schedule, I'd be happy to provide it.

So, today Patrick had 2 shots.  He unfortunately has to go back the next 3 months in a row. That's the down side of the alternative schedule. Lots more visits to the Dr. But, he handled the sticks like a champ. Of course he cried but he was better in no time. I love my strong little man!
Just a couple minutes after his 2 shots he is back to his happy self.

1 comment:

  1. Yep we're right there with ya sister! Couldn't agree with you more! All we can really do is surround our precious little ones in light and love and pray that those shots do more good than harm. Hope our little P man is feelin okay tonight! Xo
    Ps: we write very similar!
