Saturday, January 14, 2012

Time does fly

In honor of Patrick turning 15 months today, I thought I'd make a list of what makes my little man so awesome...

He hugs back. He wraps his arms around my neck and squeezes so tight that I know he's telling me how much he loves me without saying a word.

He dances. Shakes his booty, flaps his arms and twirls in circles.  There is such obvious joy on his face when he is getting down!

He blows kisses.  Really? Is there anything sweeter than a tiny hand throwing you a kiss on your way out the door. Makes my whole day better.

He has awesome hair. Nuf said...

He runs when you chase him.  Not only does he run, but he runs so fast that his legs can't keep up and he falls flat on his face. He then jumps up and keeps running...

He laughs.  Yes, babies laugh but it's different than the toddler laugh. P-man has a full on belly laugh. It's deep and loud and he sometimes can't catch his breath because he's laughing so hard.  Listen to that for 2 seconds and try to be in a bad mood.

He thinks being naked is great.   He's developing quite the appreciation of his um, entire anatomy...He would never wear pants if he was given the option which he is not. He can't be trusted.

He loves to read. I watched today with a swelling heart as my husband lovingly read the same book to my son for the 15th time in a row. I hope my child loves words and reading as much as his parents do.

He knows what he wants. For better or worse, he has opinions. These feelings make him who he is and I wouldn't change his personality for anything.

There are a million things to appreciate about Patrick Finn. He's spectacular! I marvel at his awesomeness and every day I'm surprised and impressed by him.  He's changed me in every way a person can change for the better. I've enjoyed the last 15 months more than I could have ever imagined...

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